Big Data
Big Data
Mobile Application
Mobile Application
Real-time Information
Real-time Information
Intelligent Billing
Intelligent Billing

Intelligent Transportation

As urbanization continues to accelerate, there is a growing need to create sustainable, connected, and inclusive transportation systems that cater to the diverse needs of urban populations.

In response to this, EMPTECH has developed comprehensive intelligent transportation solutions that leverage an integrated big data platform, enabling real-time traffic monitoring, incident identification, congestion management, and assessment of road conditions. People can access the latest traffic updates in real-time through our app, allowing them to choose the most suitable mode of transportation. Furthermore, our management center can analyze pedestrian and traffic data to optimize vehicle dispatch and traffic control. Moreover, our payment system offers passengers various payment options for convenience, and the fare clearing system greatly enhances operational efficiency.

With a focus on innovation, sustainability, and connectivity, EMPTECH is at the forefront of the transformation of public transportation. We harness innovative solutions and cutting-edge technologies to enable smarter mobility, reshaping the future of transportation development in buses, taxis, and rail.

Today, EMPTECH has deployed smart bus systems in more than 300 cities, delivered over 700,000 units of on-board bus terminals, and is serving more than 400,000 buses. Moreover, our AFC System has been implemented in over 30 cities. We believe that with this extensive experience, we can contribute our efforts to drive the development of intelligent transportation in more cities.

City Bus
City Bus
Rail Transit
Rail Transit
Smart Taxi
Smart Taxi